Personal kit and food related items
Personal kit and food related items
Personal kit and food related items


Price: 54 Euro

Shipping Germany: 5 Euro
Shipping EU: 9 Euro

Einheitspappkasten 31
This box is EXTREMELY rare. For a period of time after the NSDAP came to
power, there was the so called FETTLÜCKE in Germany ( Fat-gap ). There was
simply not enough raw material to produce vegitable fat,( Eg. Margarine ).
It was calculated the only after the 3rd year of succesfull war against the
Sowjetunion, Germany would be suffisiant coverd with raw material. This
would cost millions of sowjet lifes, but it was the plan. Due to this
shortage, margerine copuld only be purchased with a special
Idintificationcard, prooving that you had an extra fysical hard job. (
Bezugsschein )
This kind of cardboard box was pantented in 1931 and used also throughout
the war

See the book: Rations of the Wehrmacht

Copyright Rask Antik